
Neighbourly for charities and community groups
Neighbourly connects charities and community groups to company donations, surplus food and volunteer programmes.

Get help for your charity, community group or school

The Neighbourly platform is free to use and connects you with businesses that have volunteer time, money or product surplus to donate. The first step is to create your page and tell us what kind of help you need.
Product surplus
We can connect you with local stores and distribution centres that have quality surplus to give, for free. We’ve supported the donation of millions of meals and thousands of tonnes of products from companies like M&S, Lidl, Aldi, Sainsbury's and B&Q.
“I really can't speak highly enough about the staff and service that we receive. The variety and quality of the donations make such a difference to our clients.”
Via Wings, Dromore
How it works
Create a page for your organisation on Neighbourly, adding surplus donations as one of your goals.
Add your FSA rating 3 or above and/or Level 2 Food Hygiene Certificate, dated within the last 3 years.
Our team will partner you with stores in your local area, or add your organisation to the waiting list.
You’ll receive a notification when surplus is available. If you can’t collect, let us know so we can reallocate to another local group.
Financial donations
We work with businesses that have funds to donate, either from central grants or through local fundraising. With our grant programmes, 100% of the money donated goes directly to your organisation.
“Neighbourly has been a really great support to us. We’ve received donations from Starbucks and Heineken as well as food donations and volunteers.”
The Crash Pad, London
How it works
Create a page for your charity on Neighbourly, adding fundraising as one of your goals.
We’ll notify you when there is a suitable grant fund to apply for.
Apply through our easy online forms, letting us know how the funding will be used.
We’ll verify your application and the donation will be paid to your organisation.
Whether you need admin support, practical help with a garden makeover or coaching sessions for beneficiaries, we have a network of thousands of employee volunteers across the UK and Ireland that have time to give. Tell us what help you need and our platform can find the right people to support you.
“The volunteers were great – very positive and hardworking it was lovely to have them here. We’re looking forward to a good relationship in the future.”
Cree Centre, Grantham
How it works
Create a page for your charity on Neighbourly, adding your volunteering needs and opportunities.
The platform will connect you with businesses and their teams of volunteers that are ready to help.
Employee volunteers will express their interest, and you'll be able to create confirmed volunteer events.
Your volunteers will meet you on the day (remotely or in person) to support you with your tasks.
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